Thanks for comin' here buddies, keep reading P'bee online... with love: Na' Elt-Zahra :)

Rabu, 28 April 2010

vous êtes comme une chanson dans mon coeur que vous appelez la mélancolie ... comme l'air que je respire tu es toujours là...

PowerPuff GirL

Udah sebuLan Lebih Na' MenjaLani KKN (KuLiah Kerja Nyata) yg untungnya ngga Jauh dr ruMah. Karna Memang Na' dh jauh Hari ngebayangin bisa KKN di deKet ruMah biar Ga Usah rePot2 KLo Mau puLang,seCara Na' terMasuK Orang yg GaMpang HoMesicK... :(
SePertinya Tuhan Mendengar do'a Na' seCara ngga LangsuNg,Karna baru tahun ini caMpus Na' ngiZinin Mahasiswa'y buat KKn Mandiri. Na' bisa MiLih teMen KKN sendiri (asaL dari faKuLtas Lain) ,LoKasi KKN yg teMpat'y bisa sesuka Hati Qt (asaL daerah'y terMasuK desa tertiNggaL),dan waKtu KeberangKatan yang fLeKsibeL.

Na' eMang Udah niat: Ga Mau KKN Mandiri KecuaLi LoKasinya di deKet ruMah,Hwehehe... :D
aKhirnya terKuMpuLLah 15 Mahasiswa yang bersedia iKut KKn Mandiri dari berbagai faKuLtas. Sebagian besar eMang Na' KenaL,taPi ada beberaPa orang yang baru Na' taU Karna eMang teMen Na' bawa buntut dr FaKuLtas Lain buat Menuhin Kuota KeLoMpoK (ya eaLah,eMang seLama bertahun2 KuLiah teMen Kamu Kan Ga Nambah2 Na') baHasa GahoL'y CooPer,xaxaxa...

diHari2 PertaMa KKN,seMuanya berjaLan MenyenangKan...
saMpe aKhirnya satu Persatu MasaLah dataNg siLih berganti. dari MuLai PersoaLan KeciL saMpe PersoaLan yang biKin Qt "aga" GontoK2an... :D

MasaLah adaPtasi dgn Kebiasaan teMen yang totaLLy different,ibu Kost yang suPer GaLaK n NyebeLin,saMpe urusan Catering yang berujung KeKisruhan antar Mahasiswi,Phew...

SeteLah seMuanya berLaLu,banyaK haL yang Na' PeLajari... Bahwa ternyata,seMua MasaLah yang terjadi aKibat dari PerbedaaN sudut PandaNg aja... beda Orang,beda isi KePaLa.
Na' dengan atar beLaKang yang berbeda,Psti Punya JaLan PiKiran & soLusi berbeda dr setiaP MasaLah...

aKhirnya seteLah Na' Menyadari seMua itu,deNgan rendah Hati Na' berusaHa Lbh sabar dLm MenghadaPi setiaP Perbedaan. Na' MengaLah MesKi rasanya suLit Karna Harus MengorbanKan idaLisMe Qt terjajah.

TaPi KedaMaian Hati MeLebihi apapun,Hingga Na' dengan seGaLa KeKeras KePaLaaN'y MamPu bersiKap dewasa (eHem) dan Menjadikan Keadaan KembaLi baiK. PadahaL seMua orang taU KLo Na' suKa Mau Menang sendiri & sering jd troUbLe MaKer,Hahaha...

Tapi Pada Kasus KaLi ini Na' bisa Jadi PowerPuff GirL bwt MeneGaKKan KeadiLan n KedaMaian... DeNgan KeKuatan buLan,HancurKan!!! ^_^/

Jumat, 16 April 2010


Dear Fans,

I have been hard at work over the last year or so preparing for this moment. As you know, I have just wrapped production on my first feature film, Burlesque, which will be in theaters this Thanksgiving. And I will finally be releasing my fourth studio album, Bionic, this summer on June 8th. I couldn’t be more excited to finally share this material with you all and I wanted to reach out and let you know what this project is all about for me.

Each album I release is a representation of my personal life experiences and how they have shaped me. I strongly believe that life is all about growth, self-discovery and self-expression. Making music allows me to define my experiences and share them with others who might hopefully relate. Over the past four years I have learned a lot about myself and what I am capable of. What all women are capable of. Since the release of my last studio album, Back to Basics, I have become a mother, a wife, and most recently an actress. All of these new experiences have allowed me to face new challenges and explore different sides of myself I did not even know existed. I am a woman who wears many hats and carries many responsibilities. There are so many characteristics that define me, and this album was put together to represent all of those different parts of myself. The sound is not necessarily easy to define because I am not easy to define. I can be serious. I can be playful. Sexual. Loving. Tough. Hardworking. Honest. To capture all of these characteristics I chose to collaborate with a variety of artists and producers across different musical genres. I was able to explore and create a fresh, sexy feel using both electronic and organic elements with subject matters ranging from playful to introspective. This allowed me to challenge myself by using my voice in ways I never had before. It also allowed me to push personal boundaries and explore what is possible for my future and me as an artist.

You will find on this album songs that represent the many sides of me. I have learned that like all women I am sometimes capable of being superhuman. Like all women I am BIONIC

I look forward to seeing all of you on the road very soon. In the meantime, keep checking here as I am preparing to launch my new and improved website in the near future. It will be a place for you all to connect with each other, with me, and to insure that you are updated with all official information. There are a lot of fun surprises in store for this year!

Get ready, and I’ll see you all soon…

With love,